急诊部门(EDS)是葡萄牙国家卫生服务局的基本要素,可作为具有多样化和非常严重医疗问题的用户的切入点。由于ED的固有特征;预测使用服务的患者数量特别具有挑战性。富裕和医疗专业人员人数之间的不匹配可能会导致提供的服务质量下降,并造成对整个医院产生影响的问题,并从其他部门征用医疗保健工作者以及推迟手术。 。 ED人满为患的部分是由非紧急患者驱动的,尽管没有医疗紧急情况,但诉诸于紧急服务,几乎占每日患者总数的一半。本文描述了一种新颖的深度学习体系结构,即时间融合变压器,该结构使用日历和时间序列协变量来预测预测间隔和4周期间的点预测。我们得出的结论是,可以预测葡萄牙健康区域(HRA)(HRA)的平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)和均方根误差(RMSE)为84.4102人/天的平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)。本文显示了支持使用静态和时间序列协变量的多元方法的经验证据,同时超越了文献中常见的其他模型。
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Vision Transformers (ViTs) have become a dominant paradigm for visual representation learning with self-attention operators. Although these operators provide flexibility to the model with their adjustable attention kernels, they suffer from inherent limitations: (1) the attention kernel is not discriminative enough, resulting in high redundancy of the ViT layers, and (2) the complexity in computation and memory is quadratic in the sequence length. In this paper, we propose a novel attention operator, called lightweight structure-aware attention (LiSA), which has a better representation power with log-linear complexity. Our operator learns structural patterns by using a set of relative position embeddings (RPEs). To achieve log-linear complexity, the RPEs are approximated with fast Fourier transforms. Our experiments and ablation studies demonstrate that ViTs based on the proposed operator outperform self-attention and other existing operators, achieving state-of-the-art results on ImageNet, and competitive results on other visual understanding benchmarks such as COCO and Something-Something-V2. The source code of our approach will be released online.
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自50年代后期以来,当发射第一个人造卫星时,居民太空物品(RSO)的数量已稳步增加。据估计,目前约有100万个大于1厘米的物体正在绕地球绕,只有30,000个,大于10厘米,目前正在跟踪。为了避免碰撞的链反应,称为凯斯勒综合征,必须准确跟踪和预测空间碎片和卫星的轨道是必不可少的。当前基于物理的方法在7天的预测中存在误差,在考虑大部分小于1米的空间碎片时,这是不够的。通常,这种故障是由于轨迹开始时空间对象状态周围的不确定性,在环境条件(例如大气阻力)中的预测错误以及RSO的质量或几何形状等特定的未知特征。利用数据驱动的技术,即机器学习,可以提高轨道预测准确性:通过得出未测量的对象的特征,改善非保守力的效果,并通过深度学习模型具有高度复杂的非复杂性非 - 的卓越抽象能力来建模线性系统。在这项调查中,我们概述了该领域正在完成的当前工作。
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随机平滑最近被出现为一种有效的工具,可以在尺度上进行深度神经网络分类器认证。随机平滑的所有现有技术都集中在各向同性$ \ ell_p $认证,这具有通过$ \ ell_p $ -norm半径在各向同性方法中可以轻松地进行证书的优势。然而,各向同性认证限制了可以通过输入到最坏情况对手的输入的区域,即,它不能推理其他“关闭”,潜在的大,恒定的预测安全区域。为了缓解这个问题,(i)我们在简化分析后理论上将各向同性随机平滑$ \ ell_1 $和$ \ ell_2 $证明延伸到其广泛的各向异性同行。此外,(ii)我们提出了评估指标,允许比较一般证书 - 如果它通过经过认证区域的卷定量每个证书的量化,证书优于另一个证书。我们介绍ACCER,是通过体积最大化获得给定测试集样本的各向异性证书的实际框架。我们的经验结果表明,ACCER在多个半径的CIFAR-10和ImageNet上实现最先进的$ \ ell_1 $和$ \ ell_2 $认证准确性,同时在体积方面认证大幅更大的地区,从而突出了益处远离各向同性分析。我们的代码可以在https://github.com/motasemalfarra/ancer中获得。
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The recent increase in public and academic interest in preserving biodiversity has led to the growth of the field of conservation technology. This field involves designing and constructing tools that utilize technology to aid in the conservation of wildlife. In this article, we will use case studies to demonstrate the importance of designing conservation tools with human-wildlife interaction in mind and provide a framework for creating successful tools. These case studies include a range of complexities, from simple cat collars to machine learning and game theory methodologies. Our goal is to introduce and inform current and future researchers in the field of conservation technology and provide references for educating the next generation of conservation technologists. Conservation technology not only has the potential to benefit biodiversity but also has broader impacts on fields such as sustainability and environmental protection. By using innovative technologies to address conservation challenges, we can find more effective and efficient solutions to protect and preserve our planet's resources.
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We present the interpretable meta neural ordinary differential equation (iMODE) method to rapidly learn generalizable (i.e., not parameter-specific) dynamics from trajectories of multiple dynamical systems that vary in their physical parameters. The iMODE method learns meta-knowledge, the functional variations of the force field of dynamical system instances without knowing the physical parameters, by adopting a bi-level optimization framework: an outer level capturing the common force field form among studied dynamical system instances and an inner level adapting to individual system instances. A priori physical knowledge can be conveniently embedded in the neural network architecture as inductive bias, such as conservative force field and Euclidean symmetry. With the learned meta-knowledge, iMODE can model an unseen system within seconds, and inversely reveal knowledge on the physical parameters of a system, or as a Neural Gauge to "measure" the physical parameters of an unseen system with observed trajectories. We test the validity of the iMODE method on bistable, double pendulum, Van der Pol, Slinky, and reaction-diffusion systems.
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